230-232 Welshpool Rd,

Welshpool WA 6106

1300 059 612


Caterpillar-style bolt-on center cutting edge for a D10 Caterpillar Bulldozer is a double-beveled reversible bucket cutting edge that is inches ( mm) thick, 16 inches (406.4 mm) wide, and inches ( mm) in length. It requires six 1 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch ( x mm) plow bolts and six 1 1/4 inch ( mm) hex nuts. The bolt hole spacing is 6 inches (152.4 mm) from center to center and inches ( mm) from the edge of the bucket cutting edge to the center of the first hole. 9W-6609

Reference No


Weight: kg

Length: cm

Width: cm

Height: cm

Serial No:


$440.00 + gst